Our medical centre stays open, with normal clinic hours operating. We will remain open during the lockdown unless we receive any updated guidance from the government. Boris Johnson has emphasised the need for medical services to continue, and we remain committed to ensuring that we support our patients during this difficult time.
We are committed to ensuring our clinic environments are as COVID secure as possible. The safety of you and our staff is our primary responsibility and focus. We will remain vigilant and ask for your support in ensuring we keep our clinic environments safe for everyone. As a reminder we have implemented and continually enforce the following measures:
* Covid 19 preventive questionnaire to all patients
* Temperature check of all patients and staff entering the building
* Social Distancing
* Appropriate PPE for staff and patients
* Continuous handwashing and provision of hand sanitisation
* The access to the clinic is allowed to patients only. No other people are allowed into the clinic unless the patient needs any kind of support during the consultation.
* Only patients are permitted access to the clinic, unless assistance is required.
* Continuous disinfection of equipment and surfaces.
For some of you who may want to avoid travelling into the clinic, we offer online consultations (call or video call).
If you have any concerns or feedback then please email us at info@dottorelodnon.com. Please stay safe, keep positive and healthy. We will remain here for you whenever you need us.